
Hainan gibbons (Nomascus hainanus) - bioacoustics dataset

The Hainan gibbon is the world's rarest primate and one of the world's rarest mammals, with only a single population of about 30 individuals surviving in Bawangling National Nature Reserve (BNNR), Hainan, China. Eight Song Meter SM3 recorders were used to collect acoustic data from 1 March to 20 August 2016 within BNNR. Recorders were attached to trees at approximately 1.5 meters from the ground in tropical evergreen forest. Recorders were set to record for eight hours each day from the time of sunrise.

Link: Data publicly available here

Black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) - bioacoustics dataset

This dataset contains approximately 60 hours of audio that contained calls of the critically endangered Black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata). The audio data was collected in a sub-humid rainforest site (Mangevo) in the southeast of Ranomafana National Park in Madagascar using 2 Swift recorders (Cornell Center for Conservation Bioacoustics). The sampling rate was set to 48,000Hz and the recordings were collected intermittently between May 2019 and November 2020

Link: Data publicly available here

Thyolo alethe (Chamaetylas choloensis) - bioacoustics dataset

This dataset contains approximately 10 hours of audio that contained calls of the vulnerable Thyolo Alethe (Chamaetylas choloensis). The audio data was collected in the Mount Mulanje Biosphere Reserve, Malawi using 10 Audiomoths. The sampling rate was set to 32,000Hz and the recordings were obtained over five days in November 2020.

Link: Data publicly available here

Pin-tailed whydah (Vidua macroura) and Cape robin-chat (Cossypha caffra) - bioacoustics dataset

We provide the audio data (.wav) used to train neural network classifiers along with the corresponding labelled files (.svl). The .svl files are natively read using Sonic Visualiser ( but can directly be read using Python as these are XML files. This is a three class classification dataset. The recordings were obtained using an AudioMoth which was placed at one location in Intaka Island Nature Reserve, Cape Town, South Africa. The recorder was attached to a tree at approximately 1.5 meters from the ground. The sampling rate was set to 48000Hz with a bit rate of 768kbps. The recordings took place in January 2021.

Link: Data publicly available here

African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus) Behaviour Classification - video dataset

We provide a tutorial document, GUI, annotation data, and video data related to the Endangered African penguin recorded in Cape Town. Data investigating one, two, and multiple (three) individuals are provided. The one individual case study considers the following behaviours: braying (b), flapping (flap), preening (preen), resting (rest), standing (stand), and walking (walk). The two individual case study considers the following two behaviours: interaction (int) and no interaction (nint). Finally, the multi-individual case study considers the following two behaviours: excitement (ab) and normal (norm). Combined, these provide a collective overview of the data studied in this project and yield insight into applying machine learning to ecology.

Link: Data publicly available here